Red Skywalker Wavespell
Day 13
Red Cosmic Serpent Day
Today we complete this energy spiral
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Today is movement day
What is seeking a shift?
Had a power cut in Somerset today.
Huge gusts of wind and hail
I predict a lot more of these this year
When our outer power is cut off we see many things
How self~ reliant we are
Can we generate our own heat and light source or are we dependent ?
Many people experiencing a power interruption……
which allows us to experience a change of circumstance
and an opportunity to
get off that karma merry go round
break the mold
change direction
Re Route our Sat Nav
by allowing our personal planetary space craft
to get an upgrade :-)
Our Red Serpent Energy is our philosopher’s stone
Our body shows us where there is energy blockage that is interrupting the flow between earth and sun
Sun is our light source and our light giver
Our heavenly realm
Earth is our home and our humanity
This circuit ideally flows freely
and our human spacesuit is a vibrant craft
Our human command centre is our mind
It limits our journey by what it knows and uses our ego to navigate
based on the past
some of which is essential for our survival
The ego will do anything to meet it’s primary directive
Feel good and survive
Sometimes it creates totally bonkers methodology to meet this directive
If we have experienced euphoria with alcohol or heroin
and this allows us to numb our emotional pain
It opts for that modus operandi
The immature ego does not care about what the side effects of this choice are
The means to this “Heavenly” end are irrelevant
Look to history for the epic results of ego crusades
This is the narcissist who does not want to deal with their hurt
and is not willing to learn or invest time and energy in this inner transformation
This is our planet’s manifestation at the moment
Our mind
Our thoughts
create belief systems
create how our body creates
creates what that body creates in the world
Really simple
When we get stressed about something we set off a chain reaction
Our body is in fight, flight or freeze mode
Instead of feeling the feeling of fear
the ego looks for ways to discharge it
strategies to avoid feeling it
When we have been doing this for a long time
Our body processes that energy and that energy is toxic to our spaceship
Imagine holding an expanding vat of acid for forty years in your body
This is vitriol
bitterness and bile
extreme masculinity
To counter balance that acidity our body creates a system to combat it
It creates lots of cells to process it
We have an outbreak of extreme masculine ego just now
at this turn around zone
What sort of thoughts and beliefs go with this expanding vat of acid?
To change this picture requires action
Removing the events from the past emotionally
feeling the feelings we are avoiding
Allowing acceptance and forgiveness
when it is our time to do that
When we are ready
This removes the blocks
In each chakra
the lower ones hold the gateways
and unlock the heart
remove the walls
surrender to the evolution process
Thing is we all know what we are angry or sad about
and when we decide to take responsibility for
how we feel
We activate our creative power
when we are looking to blame others still
we cut our power off
the source of our suffering is seen as outside of ourselves
and we cannot control the million things outside ourselves so….
we feel overwhelmed
lose our energy
What is the point?
Personally I believe the point is for each one of us to
get our cosmic cookie trail on the road
Be the change we want to see :-)
Be our Passion
Live from the heart
Create new ways of living and relating
simply because
they are from the heart
and this takes
Evolution of our heart space
This individual process…..
is what changes the cosmos
When we are in ego imbalance mode ~ we are still overusing our mind
being led by our head :-)
Our mind is very useful
and can also keep us stuck in old paradigms
We are now in a New Age of Individuation
to activate our oneness
first requires
celebration and refinement of our uniqueness
It is essential to
Know Thyself
in order to
Know Oneness
Remember that our ego loves to be a talking book
full of “spiritual knowledge”
that it hasn’t personally experienced of itself
pretty much like a spiritual “app” to buy online
When we haven’t got that “app” plugged in
where is the “knowledge”?
Take away ego structures and supports and we see the true initiate revealed
This is what is happening now
Bare Bones time
Time to walk the walk :-)
Many people are afraid of this because….
they don’t know how
not knowing isn’t acceptable in our ego society
especially in certain spiritual communities
who thrive on their “knowledge”
and use it to feel superior
admitting we don’t know unleashes a tremendous force of spiritual support
Imagine your A Team with a huge sigh of relief :-)
( A = Angelic)
This path is open to everyone and no one is excluded
except by their own ego :-)
Here are some great intentions that can be spoken aloud
often and allow the initiation to begin
I am asking for help and I trust it will come
I am open to new learning
I am willing to do whatever it takes
to create heaven on earth within me
then let go of how this will happen
Being open to miracles
and new ways
and at the same time…..
start to learn about the important stuff about how a human being really works
how our experiential universe really works
and most importantly
how you work uniquely and yes you’ve guessed it…..
Know Thyself is the gold route :-)
Here’s an interesting insight ( well I think so :-))
I got this morning after tapping on this very subject
My partner and I were looking back over these thirteen days as to what is looking to shift
What comes up for us around Heaven on Earth
What the future holds
Making a 5 year plan for our mind to work with as a focus point
The key was how to reconcile what is happening in the world and the ego frameworks and being able to follow our spirit when all around controls are getting tighter around putting people in boxes and labels ~ ego society does not like free spirits and seeks to control that energy generally
The key is balance of the duality if at all possible as a place to be heading for to match the universal pattern
Spirit and Material World
Mind Body Spirit
Science and Magic
This is what the tools of my trade have given to me
Practical ways that work
and why I love to share them
I took a leap of faith many times in my life ~ not least moving to Glastonbury with nowhere to live
It is part of the process of the Magician and High Priestess marriage :-)
My Insight
On the Mayan Calendar of Planet Earth we are in a thirteen year cycle
This changes on July 26 every year at Leo time
The first seven years of every thirteen year cycle are the initiating years
the climb to the top of the pyramid
This took place initiating in Red Magnetic Moon from July
2006 which is the overall flavour of the thirteen year spiral ~
awakening to our cosmic true nature and the ushering in of being in tune with our emotional, feminine selves
to Blue Resonant Storm in July 2012
which included the shift to a new paradigm in the Winter Solstice of December 21 2012
the new energetic pattern of the heart
The next six years build on this energy just the same as the micro pattern in each Wavespell
Doing the lower chakra transformation automatically transforms the upper chakras
All the same pattern :-)
On July 26 this year we go into Red Solar Moon
Completion of a cycle
On July 26 2015 we go into White Planetary Wizard
On July 26 2016 we go into Blue Spectral Storm
Dissolution ~ this will be a tough year for any resistance patterns same in many ways as this year using the regular calendar
On July 26 2017 we go into Yellow Crystal Seed Year ~ same as yesterday’s energetic blueprint
On July 26 2018 we go into Red Cosmic Moon Year
Cosmic Movement
On July 26 2019 we go into a new thirteen year cycle of White Magnetic Wizard
This will be a powerful cycle of magic and self empowerment
using a co creative framework ~ number 3
My intention for my five year plan
To open a retreat in Cephalonia Greece that is fully operational
for the new White Castle Cycle of White Wizard on July 26 2019
This will take me and my circle of family and friends
on a journey
on a process
on an adventure
The last time I did this Glastonbury wasn’t on my map :-)
and here we are
Where will this intention take us?
Where will you be?
Do you have a dream?
My Thoth card for today reflects this
Prince of Disks
I had this card before ~ initiated my Yellow Sun Wavespell on December 09
More about that here on Love lights the way Blog
If you are ready to explore your inner world more
would like some assistance please contact me
If you would like to join an online group to share your experiences of working with Mayan Wavespell’s please join my Facebook Group
If you would like to know more about your thirteen year cycle, Starcode or Mayan Sign please send me your time, date and place of birth
I offer free consultations
so you can see how this can really work for you
Tomorrow is the start of a new 13 Day Cycle ~ which is essentially about Surrender
If it is your Wavespell remember this is all about your cosmic mission :-)
I have created a new practical document to use for our own awareness raising and synchronising with this pattern or indeed any of the Wavespells.
It is free
If you would like me to send you one please message me
Love to your Cosmic Desires today
Let the fire grow higher
Picture Credits
James Roe for the lovely heart focused picture
Picture 3
and for the white women pictures Andrew Gonzales
Sorry on the sources for the others there was no information as to artists or creators